Timor-Leste’s Development Vision for 2020

  • Timor-Leste will be a democratic country with a vibrant traditional culture and a sustainable environment
  • It will be a prosperous society with adequate food, shelter and clothing for all people.
  • Community will leave in safety, with no discrimination.
  • People will be literate, knowledgeable and skilled. They will be healthy and live a long, productive life. They will actively participate in economic, social and political development, promoting social equality and national unity.
  • People will no longer be isolated because there will be good roads, transport, electricity, and communication in the towns and villages, in all regions of the country.
  • Production and employment will increase in all sectors – agriculture, fisheries and forestry.
  • Living standards and services will improve for all East Timorese and income will be fairly distributed.
  • Prices will be stable and food supplies secure, based on sound management and sustainable utilization of natural resources.
  • The Economy and finances of the state will be managed efficiently, transparently and will be free of corruption.
  • The State will be based on the rule of law. Government, private sector, civil society and community leaders will be fully responsible to those by whom they were chosen or elected.